
Consulting on the company's development- and IT infrastructure (introduction of virtual machines for development), coaching of three frontend- and backend developers and an administrator on best practices for software development (tests, clean code, continuous integration, code styles) and management foundation principles, such as conflict management, leadership, careers and performance reviews. Introduced and implemented SCRUM for the development team.
Markant Handelsgesellschaft

Worked with a SCRUM team of 10 other programmers in the ZAS Team at Markant (ZAS = Zentraler Artikelstamm, "Central Product Repository") and helped to bugfix and advance features of their major product, a database for centrally storing article data. The product comprised various microservices for frontends, backends for accessing, storing and validating article data, which was used as central store for PROMIS, their product for distributing the data to their partners.
The work was organized in Sprints of four weeks duration, and included the regular SCRUM activities, like the morning standup and sprint reviews/retrospectives, and was preferably conducted in pair programming.
Technologies involved: Java 8, Spring (MVC/Boot), Jenkins, Maven, Hibernate, JPA, REST, Vaadin, RAP, Oracle 12c
CompuGroupMedical (CGM)

Lead a workshop for improving performance and identifying bottlenecks concerning performance in one of their major products.
The workshop included the discussion of performance metrics, the undertaking of stress tests and various observations of the impacted services, including the Java layer, the database layer and the connectors (like network and OS overheads). From the design of the JMeter stress tests to the discussion of parts of the source code itself, from log file analysis to evaluating the realtime application performance measurement tool suite from Dynatrace, the workshop implied a final report on the observations and insights gained, including a catalogue of recommendations on all sorts of levels (e.g. Operating System, Java, SQL/Database, Client-Side, organisational, functional, programming-paradigms) and helped to answer questions on how performance bottlenecks can be circumvented in the future.
KOSIMA - Educational software for children

Built an educational game for kindergarten children as part of a bachelor's thesis. The software built, called KOSIMA, consists of a 15-level puzzle, in which children in the age of 4-6 years drag coloured bricks on a checkerboard, rebuilding a 3x3 pattern, which is depicted in small on the side. The software has a built-in female voice, which first interactively explains the game, and then guides the children during their interaction while counting logic errors (bricks in incorrect positions) and errors on haptics (bricks that were dropped aside the board). The time until completion is measured.
Written mainly in JavaScript, it was specifically designed to run in guided mode on an IPad running Chrome, and it served as a generator for statistical data for a bachelor thesis
Digitalwärts (hidden by ALL.CSS)

Metallverarbeitungsgesellschaft Gottenheim (Metal Recycling Company)

Developed an application with which incoming hauls can be allocated to dispatching forklift drivers, replacing the formerly applied mechanism, which only based on walkie-talkie acclamation. The dispatcher can now equally distribute hauls by simply associating a driver, which immediately gets alerted and is required to respond to such an allocation with his in-cabin touchscreen. The dispatcher also gets the driver's feedback in realtime, who may have accepted or rejected such a ticket. Upon the time the haul arrives, the driver again gets notified immediately and is later required to give feedback on whether the work was done successfully or failure may have occurred.
The operations area is served by high-speed WLAN, covering an area of 8 buildings and comprising an area of 2 km². The software is based on the long-polling mechanism of HTTP and is implemented with JSP, Spring and Hibernate and an underlying Oracle database.
Leber Rohstoffe Offenburg (Recycling Company)

Enhanced a comprehensive Java-based, nonstandard ERP software, which covers all processes of an EU-wide operating recycling company, with an export module. This module allows the billing data of invoices to be exported into DATEV (a software suite for accounting). Additionally, a filtering logic was implemented, so that any table (or set of joined tables) and every column can be selected and be part of a filtering condition, and that any number of such conditions can be tied together, allowing complex filtering on the underlying dataset without any limitation.
Did various other improvements on the software and infrastructure (such as a new SQL query builder).
Thomas Daily

- Bugfixing the frontend of their major product "TD-Premium"
- Enhancements in the backend software "TD-Base"
- Company-wide replacement of Google Maps by Nokia Maps
- Development of a geolocation service "TD-Columbus"
Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg

Consultancy to analyze and improve the performance of the accounting software system. Analysis of the system's infrastructure (application, database- and web server and the servlet container). Responsible for measurable performance improvements and improving the stability of the overall system.

Backstopped the DIS-IT staff in Freiburg for various clients in southern Germany.

IT-Consultant. Technical consultancy on a semantic-driven algorithm for matching human wants with products fulfilling such needs, wishes and desires. Consultancy on ITIL process alignment and service management in general.
PerfectLIFE AG

Consultancy on organisational concepts, IT procurement, service management and IT infrastructure.

Worked as a technical consultant, service manager and project manager. Responsible for the conception, planning and implementation of various sub-projects part of the implementation of a mail-order web platform (which comprised planning on the servers' infrastructure, writing requirements' specifications, interfaces' specification and configuration of the overall IT infrastructure as well as ITIL alignment on various service management processes, mainly Incident, Problem and Change).

Major aspects: Configuration and safeguarding of Debian-based servers, providing a fast, lean and robust environment for running PHP, Python, MySQL, memcached, NginX and Postfix services, as well as the development of social network software.
StudiCafé Ltd.

Co-founded the company. Developed a social network with its core features, such as personalized profiles, friends, blogs, photos, calendars and a realtime 1:1 chat. Served as CEO and CTO.

Implemented the mobile organizer Brain2Go as an Imode-based service as well as a web platform, and did continuous quality assurance on the usability of mobile applications.
HappySize Company

Implemented the HappySize&MenPlus Community. Implemented a Flash-based E-Card-Maker. Integrated various webshops which were automatically generated from print catalogues.

Strategic consulting on building a web community. Technical consulting concerning the implementation of such a community on the basis of PHP and MySQL.
Primondo Specialty-Group

Consultancy on building an e-commerce platform and on such a platform's requirements' specification. Evaluation of existing software as well as on a tailored self-implementation. Conception of an integrated shop-and-community platform.
Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt (The German Educational Instiute for the Blind)

Major fields of work: Setup and maintenance of specialized tuitional and educational hard- and software for blind and visually impaired people. Implementation of an intranet service as well as administration of a Windows NT network with approximately 40 workstations.
Neckermann Versandhandel GmbH

Development of an E-Card-Maker with Flash and ActionScript. Consultancy on an inhouse-ERP-connector connecting to the Navision ERP system.
Advertisement Agency "Die Viralisten"

Worked as a web designer and web frontend developer, developed an own content management system (called SmartCMS) and implemented various websites of small- and medium-sized businesses on the basis of that CMS.